1. Background.
Arrupe Jesuit University (AJU) is an African centre of academic excellence
that aims at making a quality contribution to integral human formation. It
does this through the development of women and men of intellectual
competence, compassion, conscience, and commitment in the service of
justice and love based on research and innovation. AJU draws from the more
than 500 years old tradition of Jesuit – Catholic education that emphasises
the appreciation of a learner’s context in creating sustainable, innovative,
and creative solutions.
Our African context is characterized by among others persons who have
exemplified great vigour, excellence and clarity in pursuit of Truth and
translating the Christian message in the context of real human problems. The
sages or elders who tread the way for the many. AJU holds the late Fr.
Ignatius Zvarevashe SJ as one of the illustrious African sages. It is in line
with this that we are holding a conference in honor and memory of our
beloved writer and countryman. He was an African Jesuit Catholic Priest
who made enormous contribution to the literary and educational space in
Zimbabwe and beyond. He was born on December 15, 1943, and died on
December 17, 2019.
2. Conference goals, venue, and sessions.
AJU invites men and women of good will to this conference in order to:
a. Honour the memory of the late Fr. Zvarevashe.
b. Appreciate the life and gifts of Fr. Zvarevashe SJ to humanity in general
and specifically to the Zimbabwean intellectual space.
c. To make known the literary and creative contribution of Fr Zvarevashe
to art and culture in Zimbabwe and the mental emancipation of Africa
The target audience is a wide range of stakeholder groups including the
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation, the
Catholic Church in Zimbabwe, other Christians and religions, the Jesuits,
scholars and academics, and other interested individuals.
The conference will be hosted at Arrupe Jesuit University on 15-16 of
February 2023 between 1500 -1700 hrs of each day. The conference will cover
the following key themes that allows attendees to explore the diverse topics
that Fr. Zvaravashe addressed in his works:
a. African Literature and Education
b. ATR & Christianity
c. Black/White Power relations in the Church
d. Spirituality, Theology, and Inculturation
The following are the guest presenters: Mr. Memory Chirere, Dr. Aaron
Chiundura Moyo, Dr. Ignatius Mabasa, Chirikure Chirikure, Daves Guzha
and Rev. Dr. Dominic Tomuseni SJ
3. Exhibition of Fr. Ignatius’ work
Fr. Ignatius’ inspiring works will be showcased.
4. Public Engagement
a. The general public is encouraged to participate through Q&A and
plenary sessions.
b. The sessions will be live-streamed for online audience.
5. Evaluation and feedback
a. Participants will be invited to take a survey at the end of the event.
b. Collected data from registration and attendance per session, time in
sessions and show-up rate (for sessions and exhibitor booths) will be
used to gauge the success of the event.
6. Contact Details
To sponsor, partner, or participate in the event, kindly contact:
Mr. Victor Mureithi SJ,
Dean of Students.
Arrupe Jesuit University.
Email: [email protected]
Call / Whatsapp: +263 782 966 653