(MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy (PhD)


AJU offers two degrees in philosophy at post-MA level: an MPhil and a PhD.  The major difference between them is in the entry qualifications, which are slightly lower for the MPhil.  It is possible to move from the MPhil to the PhD.

These programmes aim to lead students to professional knowledge and skills appropriate to the highest level of university education. The hope is to form persons who live an authentic examined moral life guided by authentic values, and are prepared for genuine dialogue and the service of others. Graduates should attain a high level of competence in a particular area of philosophy within a general appreciation of the philosophical tradition, especially in the African context.

Applications to the MPhil programmes are invited from those with a Master’s degree in philosophy or a humanities subject with a pass of 2.2.  For the PhD, it must be a pass of 2.1 or above.  It is possible to move from MPhil to PhD programmes.

Both MPhil and PhD have two possible routes to completion: ‘Programme A’ which requires both coursework and a research dissertation and ‘Programme B’ for those who have, in a previous degree, adequately covered all the coursework material and are considered by the University to be able to begin immediately with the research and dissertation.

Programme A: Requiring both coursework and research work:

This route moves through five stages:

Part One: application:  Requirements for application include a writing sample, a statement of purpose, and three signed recommendation letters.  Applicants will also be required to pass (70%) an aptitude test (ACAT) covering language skills, quantitative reasoning, as well as critical, analytical and ethical thinking.

Part Two: coursework:  the full coursework requirement covers 16 courses in various branches and areas of philosophy, 10 of which are required while six may be chosen from courses offer by the University, as listed below.  In certain cases, waivers may be given for up to six courses.

Core Courses: DPH 800 Economic Philosophy, DPH 801 Political Philosophy, DPH 803 Philosophy of Development, DPH 804 African Literature and its philosophies, DPH 805 Epistemology, DPH 806 Logic, DPH 807 African Philosophy, DPH 808 Christian Philosophy, DPH 809 Egypt-Greek Philosophy, DPH 810 A Major Philosopher.

Elective Courses (not all offered every semester): DPH 811 Hermeneutics, DPH 812 Metaphysics, DPH 813 Philosophy of Religion, DPH 814 Philosophical Anthropology, DPH 815 Social Philosophy, DPH 816 Legal Philosophy, DPH 817 A Major Philosopher, DPH 818 A Special Subject, DPH 819 Business Ethics, DPH 820 European Philosophy, DPH 821 Issues in Science & Religion, DPH 822 Medical Ethics, DPH 823 Christian Philosophy, DPH 824 Islamic Philosophy, DPH 825 Philosophy of Art, DPH 826 Philosophy of Education, DPH 827 Philosophy of History, DPH 828 Philosophy of Language, DPH 829 Philosophy of Literature, DPH 830 Philosophy of Mind, DPH 831 Philosophy of Science, DPH 832 Philosophical Writing, DPH 833 Philosophy of Action, DPH 834 Ethics of War, DPH 835 Philosophy of Information Technology, DPH 836 Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence.

The maximum time period for coursework is 4 semesters (full-time) or 8 semesters (part-time).

Part Three: Comprehensive Examination:  Between one and two years into the programme, candidates sit for a Comprehensive Examination to defend their proposal for a research dissertation topic, as well as expound a chosen systematic problem in philosophy, certain key themes in the philosophical tradition and two significant authors of the candidate’s choice.

Part Four: Research and writing the dissertation:  Candidates work with a supervisor to complete and submit a research dissertation of between 120,000 and 140,000 words length.  The maximum time period for writing the dissertation is 4 semesters (full-time) or 6 semesters (part-time).

Part Five: Public defence of the dissertation:  Candidates expound and defend their work before a panel of examiners appointed according to Academic Regulations.

Programme B: Requiring only research work:

This route moves through three stages:

Part One: Application and defence of a proposal for a dissertation topic:  This part is similar to Part One of Programme A, except that it also includes a formal defence of a proposal for a dissertation topic.

Part Two: Research and writing of the dissertation:  This part is similar to Part Four of Programme A.

Part Three:  Public defence:  This part is similar to Part Five of Programme A.

Local Applicants                                                               International Applicants

Initial semester only:    USD 1525                                       Initial semester only:      USD 1825

Subsequent semesters:  USD 1500                                       Subsequent semesters:   USD 1800

Graduates with a MPhil or PhD in Philosophy would be professionally qualified for university lectureships or research posts in particular areas of philosophy.  Among other research positions the following might be listed: market research and analysis, political and other forms of journalism, commentary and investigation, as well as other writing careers, policy analysis, and religious ministry.


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